Thursday, November 13, 2008

One Hundred Per Cent

Anxious. I am off this week to San Francisco to our conference, which has over 1000 participants. It will be a week of long days, and interesting work. I look forward to seeing old clients and meeting new ones. It’s also a chance to catch up with colleagues, since we are a virtual organization.

But what’s on my mind most is this trip to Turkey. I suppose it’s the lure of an adventure; a little free time, a little bit of the exhilaration of uncertainty and spontaneity.

Of course, given this economy, it’s an adventure whose budget could get spent on house payments or groceries. These are the times that I yearn to be unencumbered by houses and jobs and commitments to even the best of causes. I crave the wide open days of my time in Nepal.

But of course, that’s not what I’ll choose. Because on a more careful analysis, I’d choose the encumbrances I have, and I have chosen them, over and over, and my word is good on all that, one hundred per cent.

Always has been.

But this does not preclude a trip to Turkey, either. The economy does not. People have said, "You could lose your house if you do that." They might be right. When was the last time I was tethered to a house? When was the last time I didn't have a place to live that's better than most of the shelter that most people have?

I like the idea of a break, even not quite knowing what the break might look like.

1 comment:

jane de lus said...

hey i found yout blog while i was stumbling, after reading some, I wonder if you have come to turkey, or not. =)
love, jane from turkey.